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ei Energia Independiente


Establish the basement of technical architecture, organization and digital product management


EI – Energía Independiente is a new startup focused on renewable energy, 100% owned by Galp (the biggest energy company in our portuguesse neighbour).

Currently, providing photovoltaics solutions in Spain and Portugal, both companies and homes. 


Define and build the technology and product management bases aligned with company culture

When you are involved in the birth of a company, you cannot take anything for granted, everything starts from scratch, and more when the point when we joined the company was in the middle of the pandemic COVID19 lockdown (april 2020). Many different things are basic needs to face the launch of a new enterprise: legal aspects, financials, operations, culture, technology and business.

From the very beginning, EI has bet entirely on technology, on experimental mindset, transparency and innovation. First steps took us to the challenge of defining and creating the technological architecture as a whole. We sought a powerful stack, modern and attractive, cloud based with a devops mindset.

Not only that, we had to build the necessary MVPs to launch the company and cooperate in the creation and adoption of new processes, methodologies and human teams. With a big milestone in mind: June, 2020 will be the soft launch of EI.


Create core systems based on APIs and using agile methodologies with lean concepts to foster multi product development

An in-house architecture called Hedy has been built, able to ingest and process tremendous information volumes, also orchestrate as APIs on different processes independently of the channel being used by its functionality.

The construction and use of Hedy has been the determinant factor to be able to improve time-to-market, using the majority of EI core applications. Applying Agile methodologies and Lean Principles we have been able to validate our own hypothesis and adapt tech products based on the real feedback of first customers.

On the other hand, also we have contributed to the enterprise culture creation: it has been so motivating to work shoulder to shoulder with EI, with completely aligned company values and a human team totally encouraged and collaborative. This has enabled the creation of mixed development teams thus everyone feels part of EI.



Flexibility to build simultaneous digital products by short delivery value cycles

Eight months laters, we are proud to share the way we have done together and how EI has become one of the principal actors in its industry.

We have established the technological and methodological bases of EI, resulting in a way of working where we feel very comfortable and also works great. Four operative and autonomous development teams have been built, its goal is not just service business and product but to co-create with them.

Last but not least, we have centered technology to serve EI, enabling EI to offer its clients the best photovoltaics solutions with an easy process, generating a clear, precise and reliable value proposition. Value for customers, for EI and for the planet, supporting an escable and sustainable business model giving a quantum leap for energy transition.

EI's opinion

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